Why repressible operon- anabolic and inducible - catabolic

A question ask by Phil but my edumail is down so I couldnt get to reply via that channel. A good question nonetheless.

A repressible operon is such so that the end-product of an anabolic pathway can regulate the pathway as negative feedback - no wastage of resources; no need to produce more product.

A inducible pathway is also to prevent wastage of resources because it will only be 'on' if the conditions are right e.g. in the case of the lac operon, if there is a ready source of glucose, why waste energy to hydrolyse lactose?


Bev said...

Well, glucose and lactose have different functions, so even if there is enough glucose, lactose may still be generated because lactose specifically is needed:

"In animals, glucose is used as an energy source for the body and lactose is the sugar found in milk which provides energy to new borns until they are weaned."
Taken from: http://ibguides.com/biology/notes/carbohydrates-lipids-proteins

Therefore, lactose may be greatly generated in a pregnant woman, even if there is enough glucose. What do you think?

Bev said...
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Anonymous said...

Operons are only in prokaryotic cells so your comment is irrelevant

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