Updates I

I am sleep-deprived but so are quite a number of you, judging from your faces in classes.

Anyway, I have/will be giving out revision worksheets which I prepared last night. Most of the questions are from 10-years series except for Evol and bateria/virus because they are new in the syllabus so I scoured for them, drawing from different sources.

Why we are doing TYS? Because ultimately you are going to take the A's next year and sometimes there is a discrepancy in how schools and cambridge set their questions .I learnt that you all don't have enough exposure to TYS and let's not wait til the last mintue yah? And although the syllabus has changed, some have remained and I predicting that the deviation for some should not be too great for the first year. Oh well, there is no harm doing them right?

Questions are selected based on past experiences with students aka these are the more problematic MCQs for selected topics. Other than these, most should be okay - you would have to try them out yourself next time/next year? Right now, all these should serve as practice.

Answers will be posted later so that those coming for remedial can discuss them. But I think I will set it for as a test for one of the classes....?mmmm... will need to think hard.

Will be posting some bacterial diagrams later that we can all appreciate their recombination beauty.

Oh for 3L, I have started hatching the eggs yesterday:


slagoon said...

n wad's that supposed to b? an alien? lol.. its green n comes from an egg.. hmm..

CJWD said...

It is a dino!!

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