Day 4

Day 2

It needs a bigger container i think.
The blue mark indicates its size yesterday


Students laughed with me/at at the following things:
1) for no reason
2) for my weird pronunication
3) for my advanced* technolgical ability

I have a bit of hearing problem if no one noticed. I could not catch nuances of English words easily for as long as I remember, much handicapped in the auditory department. Thus my body compensate this deficiency with a stronger visual department, so sometimes when I speak, I see images or words...until I lost it and need to concentrate like tuning a fizzy television into clear screen.
But then it is alright. Do correct me when I need to revise my pronunication because sometimes my brain might process words in funny configurations. Thanks. Although I am sure someone did say pro-Kar-yotes to me before. =P

Tech stuff. We are all learning. Bleah.


cybertriX-hUnK said...

hey mr chan. erm dun sog the dino for too long or else its skin will burst and become damn ugly.

-- hee xun =)

Anonymous said...

what is the dino thingy

Anonymous said...

oye.. u have synaesthesia,i think.
Am i allowed to leave comments here?? =)

agent quantum said...

mr chan DOES NOT have synaesthesia. my gosh, lol. synaesthesia is when a person can sense something that is sually sensed with just one sense (i.e. colour) with his other senses, i.e. hear colour, smell colour, taste colour, touch colour.

CJWD said...

Firstly, i have taken the dino out of water and it is in the process of shrinking - like the Hulk.

Secondly. ange is my Uni buddy :) who has dropped by and we all learn a new term 'synaesthesia' . ange always have interesting stuff to share :) And yup, I am not synaesthetic,just a skewed visual learner. :)


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