to Levi with an old friend

It has been more than 10 years since we last sit down and have a deep conversation. And it was 4 years ago when we last met up for dinner.
When we finally met again in Rovaniemi on Friday, we realise that none of us has changed much (except for more white hair, less elastic skin and less energy for adventurous sports) and still had so much to talk about even though we had been apart for so long. HC realised that I am speaking in a foreign English but also noted how quickly I switched to local style after a night of chatting. totally cool lah! :)

I had always admired HC for his inner strength and resolution. I am not sure if I had ever written about him before on this blog but he was the one with only $2 in his pocket and had reach a stage in his financial status (while studying in university) to decide whether to eat lunch or not. He always worked hard for his goal and is a friend I can depend on. His health has suffered recently and he will be on long-term treatment. It sadden me that such fate befalls him but at the same time I admire his optimism over it even though I know he must have struggled with it through the initial stage. It must also be difficult not to be able to tell your parents about it... HC, my dear friend, take care until we meet again. Maybe in an Irish pub in London.

thanks G

This long overdue post goes out to 3G who were threatened by Mr Ngan to write notes for me. :P. I received them the day before CNY's eve and it was with smiles and laughter when I read through them a few times. Thanks people! I have blue-tacked them on my wall and your video still continues to bring me much cheers :P.
Stalking is mutual yah? Those PE shots were excellent! Remember to send in your micelle pic if there is another bio wk!

We just started the Spring break but things continue to be busy. I am currently trying to sort out my Master thesis, seek out an internship as part of my course and plan for an exchange next Spring. All the administrative work...eeks!
But something really exciting for me will be the opportunity to teach in a Finnish secondary school next term. How will the kids be like? What am I going to teach? While I am still working on the latter, the idea of laughing in class is intoxicating!! Muahahaha! Can't wait!

Oh, and I caught the northern lights !!!!! hippee!!! not once but twice! :) Don't be too jealous :)