Celebrating Life

Yesterday we mourned the demise of a friend, an acquaintance or a school mate.
Some students were affected while others carried on with their lives. Really, losses never strike us until they strike close.
With about a decade between the students and I, a handful of friends have already left me behind. Maybe it is age but there is perhaps, a better acceptance of such unfortunate incidents. Although the initial ain of loss will never be eradicated, it was at least buffered.

But I would never forget CF.
About a decade back, she disappeared from my/our lives, alledgedly murdered. It did not help that I actually saw her a week before her demise at a school performance. I had wanted to go up to her then and just say a word of 'hi'. But in the end, I decided not to when I saw her preoccupation with her clique and the crowd that separated us.
i didn't get to say hi and that thought lingered.

In my drawer lies the huge golden clip she gave to me when my folder was in a mess with paper astrewn. And with that, came the reminder that besides thinking of a loss, we should not forget about celebrating the living when emotions are tamed. Life moves on, just like the rising and setting of the sun. I am always glad for the family and friends around me and I am not afraid to express so to them because we are only alive in each instance. I have a peculiar dream a few years back and if it holds true perhaps, I would not be hanging around for too long. So, everyday I am happy because I see people I appreciate and care for everywhere - until I get upset by them - yet that only lasts so long. So try not to forget that 'hi' or smile as we celebrates life with people around us. As for CF, I willl always be glad that our paths have crossed and those memories that we shared.

Someone told me that I could have been more sensitive during lecture on Thurs.
But surely, someone who is upset may not choose to express it on his/her face and some of us have to remain strong for others.


Anonymous said...

perhaps "remaining strong for others" would mean very different things to different people, and yeah, maybe you just can't please everyone since you were addressing about 200 people? some people would think that a certain way would be a form of encouragement for them, others not.

so i guess i meant to say something more along the lines of moderation since it would work well with most people (:

but i agree, maybe your choice of action might have been the best, no one would ever know the answer.

(not leaving a name in case you weren't referring to me!)

CJWD said...

No worry. Actually I wasn't making reference to myself but in general and that we should be aware that there may be people who are upset but not showing it.

Ignore any possible reference made about me :). That sensitivity thing? It just trigger a cascade of thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Sigh. =(
I think your choice of action is perhaps the most sensible one alr. a teacher has to look lyk a teacher rite? and being solemn is in a way respectful alr.
no doubt people will be rather very sad about the incident but i seriously seriously think our fren would not want us to feel too sad because of him.
God bless.

agent quantum said...

i remember in ladder 49, john travolta said about the death of joaqium phoenix's character, that we should not mourn his death, but instead celebrate his life.

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