
L: These are some raw data to work with for your pract

KCl (M) No. of plasmolysed cells
1st count 2nd count
0.1 4 3
0.2 11 9
0.3 14 13
0.4 18 20
0.5 20 20


Pls note that prac is due on Mon - same for B.

L - tutorial is due on Thurs.

Some came up and said don't give up.
Mmm...that I will never do despite all my grumblings and those moments of unrest.
Because if I do, what hope is left? How can we progress? There is so much we can all achieve. together. That's the challenge. Don't give up. Not you or me.


Emo. THat is the word of the new generation.
I called it reflective. =)


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