Crazy little day

This is definitely one.
It started off with a headache last night while doing some last minute cramming of information. It did not subside today but was better with sporadic pulls.
The morning disappeared in a flash with some updates on recommendations, meeting on exams, preparing for lesson obs and finally lesson obs which I totally CMI because I went late, no lesson plan, uninteresting slides and a confused mind. Actually there was nothing I could do because this week is real packed.
Afternoon my softball teams have their games and I had to send my captain to TTSH due to a fracture and the missed the exciting sessions which had pple falling on their feet on the pitch due to the defaced field, balls that just refused to roll and some excellent play I heard. This is what we called home advantage and I doubt anyone believed me until today after my repeated nagging to practise and familiarize on our amazing pitch. I am proud of my boys and girls for holding out and playing one hell of a game with great batting and aggressiveness. It has been a really crazy training week n as I said before, softball is not just a physical game but a mental one as well - you just have to know the cards to play. Good Job!Let's hope we maintain that momentum and spirit for the rest of hte season!


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