What will become of Tibet

This is so totally irrelevant to the title but I will still write in this post. =P
On Fri, I asked a class of mine the question: Folding and glycosylation of polypeptide occurs in the lumen of RER. T or F?

Answer is T.
As the polypeptide thread through the membrane into the lumen of RER , folding do occur and subsequently glycosylation. As we understood today, glycosylation can also occur in Golgi apparatus but the main event there is the modification of the carbohydrate units.

Enuff said, to simplify matter however, Cam-B recognises Golgi to be the site for glycosylation - so if you are given a choice.....


I am definitely not a man of politics but I couldn't help but get intrigued by this whole ti-bet olympics affairs that had been brewing for months. A few weeks ago, a student came up to me out of the blue in the canteen and ask me for my opinion on the matter. And I asked, how much do our youths know about the story behind Tibet?

Tibet has always been a mystical country - more so in the past than now - where I have always wanted to travel to since young. All this hoo ha came about because if anyone has the chance to catch the documentary: cry of the snow lion, you will understand the capture, the changes and the anguish of the tibetians when China marched into the country under falsehood of friendship and a call of modernisation in 1940s to effectively purge an indigenous population. Some called it a genocide because of the suppression and eradication of a unique culture and language as the years progressed on with the Chinese presence in the country.

Am I being sympathetic and pointing fingers at different groups? Nah. I just telling a story because I just saw a tv show on this issue and it brought back memories

Two years ago I visited Tibet and the Chinese was definitely conspicious with the presence of those typical shops found in other states. In fact, incentives were given for working there e.g. Chinese worker gets 3x his typical pay if he choose to work there and someone told me that changes had been rapid in the last 5 years and you can be sure of more with the opening of the new train express linking China to Tibet.

Where will we go from here? I have no idea but I am glad I was there before all these mess came around.

Crazy little day

This is definitely one.
It started off with a headache last night while doing some last minute cramming of information. It did not subside today but was better with sporadic pulls.
The morning disappeared in a flash with some updates on recommendations, meeting on exams, preparing for lesson obs and finally lesson obs which I totally CMI because I went late, no lesson plan, uninteresting slides and a confused mind. Actually there was nothing I could do because this week is real packed.
Afternoon my softball teams have their games and I had to send my captain to TTSH due to a fracture and the missed the exciting sessions which had pple falling on their feet on the pitch due to the defaced field, balls that just refused to roll and some excellent play I heard. This is what we called home advantage and I doubt anyone believed me until today after my repeated nagging to practise and familiarize on our amazing pitch. I am proud of my boys and girls for holding out and playing one hell of a game with great batting and aggressiveness. It has been a really crazy training week n as I said before, softball is not just a physical game but a mental one as well - you just have to know the cards to play. Good Job!Let's hope we maintain that momentum and spirit for the rest of hte season!

Class Adv Camp

The heart felt leaden with work today for so much has accumulated over the two days gone. It is scary when you felt the impulse to just walk away, willing for some peace and rest but you realised you can't because there is still work and CCA which is going to stretch into the evening today and there is no one to swap for the next one week or so for my partner is on mc recuperating from an operation. At one point i thought why my kids never stop and think if the teacher need rest but would just go on and on with their training, sometime forgetting to inform the teachers when they ended. Then I let the thought go because it was after all season time and the next game is really crucial and I want them to push themselves too. So I decided I would just let myself drag my heart and my feet home today.
I think I am just being very grumpy and frustrated with the lack of sleep that obscured proper thought processes since I could not sleep yesterday until quite late, trying to sort out recommendation letters, exams and some surprises. So why am I here writing this when I should be in bed? Because the heart wants to say before further fatigue kills it that it had enjoyed the class camp at Ubin. Even though the aftermath is torturing it but it has not regretted going for it, placing it high on the priority list to be with a bunch of L people.

I read the feedback forms this afternoon and I am glad that the camp has been an enjoyable experience for my class, be it overcoming personal challenges, learning new things about others or environment. Personally I have always enjoyed such outdoor trips for they teaches/reminds me much about myself, life skills and to get to know pple around me better. Although I brought many silly games along in my bag but I never did bring them because I truly enjoyed those times spent sitting around, talking about life, school and random stuff even though sometimes I felt a bit like an old foggey.

Those noodles with fishballs and carrots the class cooked were great even though I really cannot eat much. the time when I have to carry jelly can and help pitch tents upon arrival. those times when we paddle along the shore and down into the river. those times when I had to nag and frown. those times when I had to laugh. those times when I am in deep thought.
To my kiddos, I felt that I should apologize as well. All my nagging on learning points and wishes for you to be this and that. Really, it wasn't because I did not enjoy the whole experience because I really do and I am glad for the company. I guess it was insecurity and fear calling. Fear that my students are going to leave the nest next year without sufficient life skills, without the essential awareness & sensitivity, without realising that they can choose to do more/better.
Geez.... I need more patience.
Work or not, I am glad that I did go and found out so much scandals and gossips. =)

*afterthought: I forgot about the Patience I used to have
In my dealing with kids outside, it has never been about the end point but the process ... how very true. I shall take my time to explore as well.


L: These are some raw data to work with for your pract

KCl (M) No. of plasmolysed cells
1st count 2nd count
0.1 4 3
0.2 11 9
0.3 14 13
0.4 18 20
0.5 20 20


Pls note that prac is due on Mon - same for B.

L - tutorial is due on Thurs.

Some came up and said don't give up.
Mmm...that I will never do despite all my grumblings and those moments of unrest.
Because if I do, what hope is left? How can we progress? There is so much we can all achieve. together. That's the challenge. Don't give up. Not you or me.


Emo. THat is the word of the new generation.
I called it reflective. =)

Can the leader please step out?

Pls see Qn 8 and 12 for MCQ updates


I pondered upon the statement ST posed today - that not everyone can be a leader.

To that I agreed to a certain extent. When I look back now at my years as a student leader, I do not think I fit into the bill of a good leader because I was quiet, patient and simple. I would rather be a follower and I know I would be a good one. And because I do not fit into the bill , I thought little of myself.

But it took time, observation and much reflection to realise that I am a leader in my own rights because I worked in a different model than most. I did a leadership model test before and out of the 40 pple, only 2 falls into a particular quadrant and that's me and my friend. Although we do not stand out as the leader who drives everyone towards a common goal or inspire the group, we worked in our subtle ways which I recognised but never did realise.
Then it took me even more time to be comfortable enough to stand out and say, let's do it that way or this. It was life experiences and the need to be more independent
that I dare so because of struggles through some difficult times.
With that said, I think we can/may also grow into different models of leadership and one day we may be the person we envision. But before, let's take a look at ourselves and realise how we lead and learn from others along the way to improve and to think about the various way of leading for differnt groups of pple.



"Let's face it, an EXCO position is important when you go for interview or at least make your resume decent. " Someone said that to me recently. Not exactly verbatim but the idea is there.
I supposed holding a leadership position do put one in a better light but that's only on resume. When you go to interview, how you present or hold yourself is often what leave an impression. I always say, you wait and let me prove to you.
JC is only but a fleeting moment, a period to learn. There are more meaningful chances for you to prove.

Catalysed Revision

1 C 6 B 11 C 16 D
2 C 7 B 12 D 17 D
3 A 8 A 13 A 18 A
4 B 9 D 14 D 19 A
5 D 10 B 15 D 20 B

- As long as lysine increases, the amount of feedback inhibition will increase as well to restore the condition i.e. ensure a consistent amount of lysine present.
- Most students will put an increase in enzyme 2 for an immediate increase without realizing the above.
- However, when enzyme 4 is decreased, even if there is increased inhibition due to lysine, we are decreasing the total amount of inhibition, and thus the overall amount of lysine will increase.

A - not all is hydrolysed; see 50oC.
B - we see a plateau and the potential to produce more sugar at other temps.
C - see amt of sugar at t=0
D - not enough information to make that deduction; what if I change the temp to 55oC? Maybe the slope will be steeper?

I apologize 2 3B. I did not notice the Y-axis. I doubt it is fdbk inhibition because a non-comp inhibitor was already added at the start.
Truly, there is no answer. It was decided that the question is faulty but I conceded A (official ans) because of the characteristic shape of graph makes it the best answer. Yet it is not perfect.

Good Question
Common Error: B. KE is determined by temperature alone. Higher temp means greater KE. It is not greatest at the optimum temp.
D – Denaturation for pH is the disruption of ionic bonds.

In this situation, we realized that the amount of unreacted substrates reaches a plateau after some time. If we examine other options, with enough time, the amount of substrates should reached zero. However for end-product inhibition, if the amount of product is high enough, we can imagine all the enzymes being inhibited (note: you only need a small amount of enzymes to carry out a reaction)

Good Question
C or D we deliberate. As highlighted in class before – look at the shape. One is more symmetrical.


*additional comments:
This is one question that really makes us scratch our heads so let me try to explain why it is unlikely to be B ...(after much debate and thought because CB question can be weird or incoherent)

Ok.I would explain it this way: "Equal quantities of starch is added to equal quantities of the various solution". Therefore, if all the volumes are constant (and they should), in the case of solution 1, there will be 50% saliva and 50% d.HCl compared to solution 5 100% saliva. If there is 50% less saliva, we can expect a slow rate of reaction in solution 1 (disregard d.HCl 1st) - so solution one will never reach 3 in the first place but be more than 3. Similarly for d.HCl, since there is only 50%, the reading should be more than 4. But since the colorimeter reading is 4 for solution 1, it implies that there is still enzymatic activity and thus not all enzymes are denatured or are at least fully denatured.
NOTE: CB is not concerned about degree of denaturation. it is either denatured or not.

We compare solution 5 and 2 for the answer which is the best possible one.

The rest is too unspecific.

Issue is similar to 9.

For all graph questions, pls examine the axes labels. Some would put B as the answer but over time, the conc of product should not decrease but at least stay constant as in A.

You probably need more time to digest this. Look at the table carefully.
B – see Tube 1
C – see Tube 4 (there is still rxn)
D – see Tube 1 & 2

One step at a time, one step at a time

I could have achieved much in other areas but I have also come to the conclusion that nothing disturbs me more when I did not manage my classes so that effective learning may take place. So I decided to leave the school earlier than expected today, wrung by my own inner demons and to escape from the chaos in my mind.

There are times when I would like to be firm, strict and angry when things get a little chaotic and disrupting because I know that these kids need guidance so that they can achieve much more in their academic results. Yet the other side of me tells me that there are things we cannot capped because after working with kids for quite a while I also see needs that go beyond the desire to achieve academic excellence. One kid sensed the shift in equilibrium in me as I faced my own dilemmas in class. I think I am being more demanding this year, not only on myself but also on my students. .... I could be punishing myself because I feel that some of my kiddos of 2007 could have achieved more if perhaps I have been more firm. Or would they?

Someone said I am being too hard on myself. Maybe I am and perhaps like someone mentioned, since I could never be fierce enough or for long anyway, what I need is go back to my own mantra of basics.
How to be fierce when their sheepish and apologetic looks upon "angry" reminders brought me internal sighs and a self-loathing reminder that I can do better than this. I guess I will work harder to find my own peace in the chaos as I once had. Mmm.. and it's time to think out of my little box again and create more fun stuff!!