Dinner with Cricketers

We had dinner last night at a North Indian restaurant down in Little India. It had been some time since I saw everyone and in a gregarious mood too. I remembered I promised them dinner after their finals but yesterday's timing couldn't be more prefect as we also bade farewell to the J2 for their studies ahead.

So that's it, I am letting go my life as a cricket teacher-mentor as I gathered them together for their farewell to one another and for me to them.


Anonymous said...

HI Mr chan, Zhenghong here. Just want to clarify something..

If you look at the answer sheet given to us for JC1 Common Test 1, section C question 6, you will notice the question is exactly the same as question 8C of our prelims exam paper 2.

However, in the answer sheet for qn 8C of our prelims paper, it is stated that any reference to synthesis is not considered. However, process and site of synthesis are both considered as points that are awarded marks according to the answer sheet for JC1 CT1...

which is quite funny. haha. can please clarify? maybe some ppl who need another 1-2 marks can get it now. wow.

Anonymous said...

hi mr chan.

zhenghong wants me to tell you that it's qn 8A of prelim paper 2 rather than qn 8C.


Anonymous said...

hey everyone oops its 8B.lol

Anonymous said...

I think he referred to question 8b which is my question. I marked it correct initially but upon consultation with the setter, he/she decided to focus on the function, structure and specific characteristics of each. I will bring up the case after reviewing.

- mr chan

Anonymous said...

dear mr chan,

thanks for ur chocolates and the inspiring message. I'm touched by ur faith in me and will work hard to maintain it.

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