Combating the virus

This blog had entered into stalemate for yet another long period of time and I guess pple do drop by just before exams to check for updates. But alas, the sensei had fallen victim to a virus of unknown origin since the fateful when you took your 1st bio paper. Fever raged at a all-time of slightly above 39 for 2-3 days before dropping to 38. I hated sweating in the middle of night, surviving the days like a drug addict who must take the drug to control the fever or else I would start to shiver uncontrollably akin to withdrawal symptoms. I am convinced that the brain is fried and no longer capable of processing information of complexity. But it was really funny to attempt typing then and realized at the end of the paragraph how many blanks the receipents have to fill in.
We all thought it was dengue but it wasn't. Just an unknown virus. Which is scarier?
Then there was the pounding headache after the fever subsided. Slam. Bang. Whack. It followed the rhythm of the heart like an orchestra filling a tempo. Went to see yet another specialist who could not pinpoint the cause either, deciding it was remnant of the viral fever. But it was interesting talking to the old doctor who, when realised i was a physio major, started to discuss with me about the heart and exercise and also talk about our beloved growth hormones which he advised against for another patient. ANyway it was a vague world I lived in for the past one week and the longest MC I was ever on. It was also a week which I watched the most tv since a very long time because I could work on the computer without feeling the strain nor do any proper mind-processing.
If there is any good coming out of the whole episode, I am supposed to be slightly thinner but I do not think that would have lasted. Unfortunately.
Nevertheless, I am back in form, exercising those fingers with red pens and cruelty. Swish swash lash.

How do you think you did? Dun think about. Enjoy your break first.


heex said...

haiz mr chan!

well i guess our class is pretty much enjoying ourselves with 3 outings in 5 days! though i heard some people have already resumed mugging for As.

for me i shall slack =)

kmli said...

ya we cycled 25km!

kmli said...

ya we cycled 25km!

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