
I know that some of you are biting your nails over other sch's prelim papers. Pls note that they will be sent for printing on monday after the tutors have a chance to look through them thus you can expect to get them on either tues or wed. =). Due to the change in syllabus, different schools may teach things differently or transmit diff information, so you have to remain cool. At least for the school i reviewed, all the things I have taught would be handy as background in answering some structured question.


Consultation slots are open for grabs but if possible let me know the day before so that I can plan my time well.


A clarification to make, two in fact.

1) At the presynaptic terminal of a nerve cell, there is a Na+/Ca2+ EXCHANGER not pump. There is a Ca2+ pump as well.

The difference? Ca2+ pump uses ATP. In fact it is also referred to as Ca2+ AtPase pump.
For the exchanger, no ATP is used. The protein makes use of the energy stored in the chemical gradient of Na+ (diffuse in) to exchange for a Ca2+ inward. Some may regard this as antiport (if you know the term).


2) ZH brought up a point on differences betw DNA and globular protein. He mentioned that the question was given before and the previous marking scheme accepted various component of synthesis.
If you ask me, I would accept it too. However for this prelims, the setter decided that he wanted to focus on protein structure, functions and characteristic and thus the difference in answer scheme. Pls go ahead and use the various component of synthesis if you cannot think of any other stuff during your exams. It can be accepted.

Another Friday night. I need to catch up on sleep especially after staying up for a few nights to write those little notes. Buzz out. ZZZzz


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