
Again, knowledge diffusion was slower in LT1 whereas in the less rowdy and more cosy LT4, the nervous review was completed just in time.
N was surprised and impressed that I managed to cover all the important components in just one lecture although I had to lament about the lack of time to go in-depth. The nervous system has always been one of my fav topics in Uni where I took 4 modules on it. i actually did a research proposal on the pathway of fear and memory which was picked up by one of the profs who found it interesting that I had integrated knowledge from several related fields to come up with a unique concept that sounds plausible. I was invited to join his lab to carry out the proposal with his post-grads but unfortunately I could not cross over to his dept at that time for my final year or do a collaboration, because I have to fulfil the requirements of my hons degree in another dept. So I ended up with 'cancer' which is also my kind of thing because I had worked on that topic in the lab for 3 years, but nothing beat working on something you have come up with. Oh well, I have no idea what happen to the proposal now since I left it all behind after graduation. Hopefully, the idea is still coherent in the light of any new information that is churned out every minute.

Maybe I will lobby to teach the topic next time.

Today I tried to introduce transparencies in the lecture 1. But according to my students, it was perhaps not the best idea. Where is the pwpt? can the words be more legible?
Have I fallen back in terms of technology?
E and Z told me that it has always been a dilemma when it comes to using transparencies. We used to learn well with transparencies, multi-tasking i.e. copying the words of the teacher, verbal and written. Sometimes we even decorate our notes along the way. =)
I think it is a lost skill to copy the text of many variation (different handwritings) as well as listen and copy additional information dished out by the teacher.

But then again, perhaps times have changed as well...

ok. my brain was too high-strung after all the neuronal firings during lecture where I got carried away . Fizzling out.

With the Prelims around the corner and more importantly the A's (two mths!!!) Here is a clip from Bleach. I think the song is perfect as we all work hard for the exams


etzy said...

wah mr chan watches bleach. omg.

slagoon said...

yea.. same thing occured to me.. omg.. a bleach fan! woots..

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