A few things that came by

I have a conversation with a student the other day and she said something which I reflected upon and questioned whether I have been too harsh in my perception.

She asked why do pple sign up for community projects if they are unwilling to commit or simply lack the passion as she agonized over the participants she had been getting?
I agreed with her that many are performed with an ulterior motive or even no motive at all. But I have also seen and heard some of the big hearts out there so let's not despair. In fact, let's open our hearts a little bit more and also see that for some pple, they are actually signing up a challenge for themselves, to discover whether they can work with the clients they choose to serve, be it young kids or old folks.......because I also realised that when I first took that tentative step into mentorship, belief, desire and commitment aside, I never did know if things will work out for my efforts but I am glad it did and it made me a better person in many ways. Perhaps for some of us, we are exploring our niches when it comes to community work.

Still,I cannot emphasize more the importance of responsibility and commitment for any group of pple or organisation one choose to work with because we are directly affecting the lives of others and which should not be taken at whim. (that is also my belief in the profession I am in now as well)

When I make the decision to return to my alma mater, although I had wanted to help those much less academically able/less fortunate students, I hoped that I could change some hearts in these white buildings. This journey would not be easy but we can take a step at a time.


Awards and plaques.
How the whole landscape has changed when students have to recommend themselves.
Who is to judge how truly deserving one is? What does it mean when I do not get the award? For teachers, although it will never be in the form of wonderful glassware or metalware, we have our own set of awards to give - for that kid with that amazing resilience, for that kid who is so selfless, for the kid who is respectful, for that one who brighten your day... and the list goes on. Not everything will ever be on paper or engraved.

As an ex-player myself, I still remembered that sweat and toil every player subject him/herself to. I know when my players have put in the work and thus I am not ashamed and is ready to fight for their deserving rewards....but it doesn't take an ex-player to know that. I felt that fervour in the other TIC too although I realised that my players do not. Do not judge a teacher because he/she has given you a possibly tough time, especially where admin matters are concerned or that he/she appears more distant. If you would just think in his/her shoes. Care is expressed in many different ways.



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