Many things on mind

Day 3. Fever finally subsided a fair bit and the extremities no longer ached as much. No more groggy land. I think it is just a simple case of overheating that started last Wed when I worked throughout the night til 4am in the morning to produce the cricket videoclip for the AGM that is supposed to be take place on Thursday (but which was later postponed to Friday anyway). The idea of a video clip for my boys was already in my mind when I first started snapping away, so that the kids can have a record of their journey and for remembrance. But never did I realise that this clip has also become very important to me as I round up the season with them, stepping down as its teacher-in-charge.
When I told him on Wednesday that I could not make it for the AGM due to my impending two-day course, he looked at me in disbelief and a palpable sadness reigned in the air. My heart took its blow too. And I think we were all glad that the AGM was postponed and I was eventually able to make it, returning from the course.
Anyway the chronic lack of sufficient sleep over the next few days took its toll and the fever prevailed. I think.

College Day. Congrats to all who took on the stage. Well done!
I met my cousin during the reception - a cousin whom I have not met up for years - because my nephew got the prize for doing well in A-levels. So from Mr Chan to Uncle Chan, my nephew greeted.
When I told my mum about seeing my cousin, she started to lament about me not informing her whenever I am supposed to receive some awards during my school days. When I looked back, I do feel a bit apologetic for not telling my parents so that they can bask in pride. I supposed there are at least three reason why I do not want to tell them. First, as a child of relatively low-esteem then, I never thought I was worthy of the prizes, 2ndly it never cross my mind that receiving awards is a big thing and lastly, I was also worried about outshining one of my bros. The last point soundz weird but one of my bros never had an easy path in life where academics is concerned. He struggled a lot and at some point, I felt that he resented me. When I got my first prize in chinese essay writing in sec one, I took the huge trophy home and hid it for months in a obscure drawer until I finally told my mum. My mum understood so she did not make a fuss about it although she put in the glass cabinet. But over years, we all came to accept our strengths and weaknesses. Today my bro is amazing - I am damn proud of him and admire his strength and perseverance for he had toppled many odds to enter poly and eventually did well enough to be warranted a place a Uni. And he showed his support when I did well too.
But in the end, I really should thank my parents for their understanding and being so accommodating to my weird demands, especially letting themselves be persuaded to forgo my Uni commencement when I wanted new challenges and experiences and took off to the States for summer camp right after my last exams. For all my hard work in the four years of Uni (especially when I entered my course with minimum background and I knew that my parents were concerned all these while if I have made the right decision to take on something foreign), tears swelled up when I saw my bro's email while in camp: " you have received an award for your research. parents are proud of you." that was the moment when I felt really apologetic and wanted them to realise their importance in my pursuit of interests.


Writing too much. still need to sleep early for complete recovery. need to do work.


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