Long hours

A long day that puts all sense of life into a spectrum of blurness.
A most unhealthy day I must concur with a piece of bread to last me from morning to 10pm. I bet my glycogen phosphorylase worked hard today to maintain that physiological level of blood glucose of 4mM which is greater than the Km of hexokinasese in the brain and muscle cells and thus allowing me to function at the proficient level. Or so I think.
Dinner was really late at 10pm which explains why I am a little too full to sleep now and that feeling of fatness that you know is meant to be when you eat so late. H commented that I do not have to worry because studies have shown that pple only starts to gain weight when they are in their late 20's until I reminded her that I fall perfectly into that category. hahaha

There was an observation which I can't work much on since I am in the midst of covering essentials on M& M for the last tutorial lesson. Then after, madness sets in as I continued with the preparation of revision notes for H3 lecture. As a physiologist, we tend to feel and see the big picture. But, to summarize more than 200 powerpt slides is a huge challenge given the time constraint, even when you have some background in the distant past. Masochistically, I enjoyed it....piecing something irrelevant/ incoherent /huge information together to make a coherent picture....it's like trying to make sense of the world of papers and knowledge. But it is very draining and I had to resort to write important concepts I wanted to pass on on paper first as I subjected myself to info overload. I totally screwed up the lesson in delivery because I did not have enough time to consolidate my thoughts since I took so much time to plan out the handouts (up to the last possible min) but I hope I have conveyed the important learning points.
After the lesson, I chatted with some students before realizing that I am due and late for library duty. So many familiar faces in the library I felt like I am taking a class. There was this kid whom I was actually able to call out by the name. I seriously do not know how my memory works because I have never taught that guy before or talked to him until he asked me a question just now. His name just spelled out itself in my head when he came around. I think he got a shock. Maybe there is identity diffusion?
Anyway time flies when you pounded away furiously on the laptop, getting a minute from a recent mtg out.

Alright, I am doing too many corrections on this input. Despite my valiant efforts at typing, the brain has frozen in time. Let me brace myself for a new day tmr!


Firenze said...

don't stress out too much mr chan! and we really appreciate all the hard work and effort put in your lessons and handouts =). Cheers.

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