And so, (almost) Everyone left

In the morning, the table was still cluttered but by 4pm after another 4-hour meeting, the table was cleared and empty, resuming its form few weeks back when the entire biology dept took up a new spot in the staff room. He whom I entered the college with left. Although we had never really talked during our JC and even Uni days except for those causal nods, we got to know each other for the last two years ++ . I think I will always looked back at it with amusement, how circular the whole thing is. ..

It was last night when I realised how emo-difficult term 3 has been for me. So many people I felt connected with had left, either in proximity in the staff room or away from school. Beside today's departure, by Jun, two great pals were gone, one of whom is a dear friend who journeyed with me since Uni. Then the huge internal shift came and my physics friends took up space in the new staff room while my entire dept moved to replace them, and in so doing, my company also changed. Also not forgetting that some of the teachers whom I came with get further integrated (physically) into their depts and out of visible sight.
And come to think of it, A, who reads this blog from her research lab and who was an important constant of my Uni life (as she puts it) will also be leaving for California for her Masters/PhD in Sept.
That aside, year-end CIP trip loomed with uncertainty as I tried to get things sort out, then there is the CCA change.....and because work continues in its relentless pace, I did not have the chance to really sit down and sort out all these baggage like i used to. I felt a bit out of place at the moment as I tried to negotiate the space around me. Next week. Next week would be a good time. In between those time spent on getting my lecture series ready.


Anonymous said...

Jia you! you are not alone .

Anonymous said...


CJWD said...

Thanks for concerns. No worries, @ this age, this kind of things had happened a couple of times. 缘聚缘散,我看得很淡。人生起落变化,也不过昙花绽放。 不是不珍惜而是不悔恨。毕竟我非圣贤, 仍需时间来调试思绪。 It was a just some quiet reflection/realisation that we all need to do once in a while to reconcile our thoughts and feelings to avoid the pitfall of emotional turmoil that can fester. =)

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