Calling for the passenger of .........

Friday - I finally purchased the tickets for our trip in December. I have not figured out if I should feel excited or terrified. But perhaps the former would be more befitting for the more adventurous side of me. Come December I will be bringing my parents to Hokkaido on a free and easy trip. I am not sure if I can call it a backpacking trip because I only have 9 days of leave to do so but I know that we will definitely be traveling around a lot and I have even planned out how to carry their luggage for them to facilitate mobility as we make the several pit stops in the eastern part of the prefecture.

Why go? I have always want to bring my parents out before they get too old and mobility becomes an issue. And I thought it would be fun and to share with them my experience in traveling - the way I travel and survive - although this time I will keep it at a higher comfort level. If their son had been jumping from country country for the past few years, it is only reasonable to bring them on a trip even when it is going to bust more than half a year of pay. Mmmm...I think it is going to be exciting afterall. =)

Why the destination? Because Hokkaido has very beautiful snow-scape and my dad has never seen snow before so I thought it would be cool to go there and also because I was there 2 years ago with my niece and one of my buddies and his gf - also on a free and easy trip that I planned but that time we covered 3 prefectures (that is really another story). We only managed to cover a small part of H then so I am heading eastward this time to explore.


I think my end of year is going to be crazy. I am not sure if this is the best time to bring my parents because time is short in the planning department since I have 3 back-to-back trips to chiangmai(sch), cambodia (volunteer)+ above. But I suppose it will be quite a challenge and hopefully not too strenuous for I have to be ready to arrive and leave the very next day when I make the transit for each trip.


Anonymous said...

hi mr chan...

just wanna to thank you for going that extra distance just to get that one mark for me.

i think it's easy for some teachers to say that "oh sorry u can't get the mark" then dismiss the pesky kids away, but how you actually went to get your laptop to read the article and even challenge the decision of a more senior teacher really impressed me. all that just for 0.44%!

remember to redeem your free drink =)


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