
I was quite stressed last week when I realised that I couldn't find time to relax at all after two weeks were spent on overseas school trips and Sci camp. Then wk 3 there was consultation and for me to clear some miscellaneous work. I was advised by my teacher-mentor to take a break although that seemed like a rather remote idea. But everything changed when I realised that I should not look for opportunity to relax but simply just relax. What I need is not a trip but let my mind be restful so here is a piece of my mind on Mon.


今天下午游了泳后, 我选择当初的简单,自己一个人静静地坐在olio 咖啡厅里, 让自己的心情沉淀下来,写写字, 读读书, 过一个庸懒的下午。那是快乐。 我需要的快乐不必到另一个国度寻找或是占有任何一个物件。 快乐只在于一个“静”。当心中的湖泊没有涟漪, 当你能听到四周的阳光, 你的心会变得更辽阔和扎实。 我几乎忘了这一点。
我不愿和时间赛跑因为我们永远追不上时间而我也不愿掀起滴滴水珠,撩乱那刻平静。毕竟“和时间赛跑” 是人类随着机械时代和电源发明而诞生的。以往的农夫只能随着大自然的四季而耕耘。 他不能命令阿波罗或和雷神达成协议。 他只能默默地等待,随机应变。

慢慢一步一步地踏出步伐, 那往往会更扎实和稳重。


Anonymous said...

Whoa Mr Chan. Ur Chinese quite imba for a non chinese-teacher. *clap clap clap*

Don't be stressed. And you can't be more stressed than us HAHA. But at least we just have half a year to go..

Take care!

CJWD said...

谢谢你的美言, 我已经好久没提笔了。 除此,因为工作的关系,现在也没太多的机会接触华语。 是时候温故知新了=)。

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