Amendments to MCQs

I had my last consultation session today.
Alright, all of you out there- work hard!! Jia you!

Thought I would update this site after finding out that pple do check this blog in the hols =P and also after an interesting round of discussions with my students, it is good to share some insights. And I shall also remember not to post up anything the night before the actual paper or I will kena complained by Slagoon =P

1) D01Q7 (Bio molecules) - The first option is wrong (typo). It should be beta-glucose, otherwise you will have two answers.

2) N97Q9 (enzymes) - terrible question that had been set and has been asked by a few. It is a toss-up between A & C and I would have pick A myself. As I could not find any reference or examiner's comment on it, we will have to leave it as it is even grudgingly. Let me check again and update if there is any new devt.

Question: can temperature break peptide bonds? Yes. At temperature high enough, with sufficient KE, we can break all bonds.

3) N04Q20 (cell structure) - because of the small print, the dimension you probably measure on your set will not give you the answer. The answer is really 20 micrometers not 100.
If you have done everything properly, you should get 10 micometer though if you use the scale on the paper.

Gosh I am tired. I thought I would only go in for a few hours but in the end, I stayed in school for hte whole day to clear work and do some research. So tired that I just dropped my lychee. Darn. ahhahah.

Time to clear more work. One week left!


slagoon said...

o.O wad did i complain about?? lol.. *acts ignorant*

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