R U Sure U Got It Right?

I was puzzled today when I heard that only Mendelian Genetics is tested for Essay.
Where did this information stem from?

Mendelian Genetics, together with all the Application topics are tested in Structured and Essay.

This is not the first time I am hearing it so whoever is spreading it, pls check your facts first.


slagoon said...

Mr. Chan!! u changed ur blog template!.. but wad happened to the tagboard? lol..

Anonymous said...

hi mr chan. rightnow, after reading the fact that all aplication stuff might come up for essays, i feel like punching someone, and that someone is BERNARD TANSNZZNZNZ

etzy said...

LOL, bernard's a cock. eh don't tell everyone that his surname is Tan please, very pai seh.

Anonymous said...

this template was accidentally clicked on but looked quite nice too hehe. at least when there is comment I would know :)

haiz. i thought when you studied for structured, you would have inevitably studied for essay? ...mmm...maybe not... let me know when the fist fly cos I shouldnt be around :P. At least we are clear now

if bt is not sure who etzy is, it is ernest. ernest? ernest who? =)


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