The Art of Asking

Revolution Cycle

My brother and I were just talking the other day on how technology has changed the world in the past decade. Handphones, internet and mp3 players are now in abundance. Even when I went shopping the other day, there is a conspicious change in shopper's desires and even values (e.g. you would not see men's underwear in a myraid of colours and being displayed like a fashion spread in the past) and I kept encountering a particular style / design that probably indicate the current trend although I find it an overkill.
Perhaps every ten years, we will see a revolution and the real question is whether we can keep up with the changes or are they necessary good (books..they are still wonderful =)) So what is the next big thing? I think it might be physics although so many shyed from it these days. In the generations to come, we might see teleportation (quantum mechanics), clean energy and computers leaving their ethereal bodies.


The Art of Asking

With smses as an intimate part of our lives, often we forgot that certain decorum cannot be ignored. I have pointed that out to a number of students for the past few months. It has actually become a skill which we all need to work on.
In other words, if your sms is deemed to be impolite or inappropriate, you can be assured that I will not reply unless it is to remind you that we can all do better because sometimes even the most innocuous question becomes a demand - even when I know you are the greatest kid in the world. That is probably one of my pet peeves - from an ex-friend of singa.

I am also still working on that skill.



A few students asked me on different occasions if I was disappointed with the class and I kept mum, not because it is true but because I was trying to sort out the complicated emotions and thoughts that swirled in the mind.

Perhaps I was in the academic sense when I looked at the folks and realised that they could not/did not get the most out of the lessons I specially crafted and sometimes specially for them. They always have more important discussions at hands and miss out the crucial information I dished out. To a certain extent, I was disappointed with myself. All I was ever trying to do was not to be like some of my teachers.

Yet I am very glad that these folks whom I worried for, most have a good heart and I am a strong believer in good character, compared to grades. So I lived in a dilemma, experiencing all the heartbreaks but also the gratefulness. But that doesn't mean that we neglect the intellectual upbringing of our students because we are trying to secure a good future for our students. I am convinced and prepared to run along harder at the last stretch.

If I was not seen to deflect to the dark side, you are quite lucky because I did during a recent recce trip and it wasn't a pretty sight.
They laughed when I told them that I too can be a devil, especially with a track record like laughing out loud while lecturing. Yet even I was shocked when I slipped into the role so readily then. But sometimes, we have to do what is necessary.


Today my lower back felt better. I got a little worried recently when I felt queasy at the area which eventually erupted to occasional pains when I twisted my body. I was worried about the prospect of a slipped disc and I know my lower back has been rather vulnerable since those days of sit and reach. But given the recovery, I think I had just strained it during one of my valiant efforts at exercising during the ealier part of the 4th wk of hols.

Bearing the pain I went to distribute flyers with my youths on Saturday in our effort to raise funds for our end of year CIP trip. I decided to go in the end because since we do not have many opportunities to meet up during normal sch days, hols are really the best time to work together and bond.

A was sweet when he commented that he will take care of me because I am his mentor. On my side, I need to work hard and hopefully the little kid can slowly quit his habit of smoking soon.


It is back to school again.


Anonymous said...

OOPS. I think i'm in the list of folks who got "more important discussions" in class and miss out your crucial informations... ahhh so sorry. sometimes get very distracted. sorry. coz sometimes lecture dun really understand. or understand already but when come to tutorial already got squeezed out by other stuff. err no time to revise mah.. or too tired to.. so sometimes can't really get what you teach. so can get distracted very easily. will get better de.. when revise everything finish already then will be able to follow you le. err when i can understand you usually i got listen de mah..

CJWD said...

I usually am ok when students get a little distracted. i myself won't last after hours of lessons. It was the attitude to lessons that I am more concerned about. I hope all who have yet to see the light are ready to make a last dash in the last few months =)

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