Welcome Back 2 School. It is 2007!!

It is back to school day!
Before we realise it, the holidays had went ahead and left us behind to begin a new year and start the mugging for a challenging year ahead.

What is going to happen this year?
It will be the same old routine of tutorials, lectures, PE lessons but without any PW nagging in the background and asking mr chan to act out a script about BBQ school. But also that the syllabus will be due for completion in about 6 months' time before the teachers round up their preaching and nagging as the exams loom overhead. 6 months. A pretty short time. For the students and teachers who forsee the remedials and extra lessons beyond that.

For me, I am already looking into a 6-month plan to get things kicking although I am almost sure that most students did not realised the limited time left before intensive mugging start. Well, at least I never did when I was still in my uniform years back. =) Yet, if you did, beside studying, do cherish the time you have in school with your friends, class and everyone else. I remembered my JC2 as clear as yesterday and my JC frens are still with me after all these years. =)


How did my holidays go?
The first month was spent invilgilating and preparing notes, answers and powerpoints, all the way up before the day I left for China.

I went backpacking again this year and the thrill is still there when you explore new grounds on your feet with limited funds and a heavy sack behind you. But I do think I should take a break next year from the excitement for a while. Time perhaps to bring my parents out, especially my dad to see snow.
Unlike young pple nowsdays, I never did fly a plane until very late in life and I supposed with the past few years of backpacking, I am making up for those missed experiences as curosity of foreign lands got the better of me. And personally, it was an important growing phase for me as well. But be warned that dangers lurked all over so while the ideas of backpacking sounds absolutely fanciful, certain considerations and maturation will be great.
Anyway, my parents never really got out of the country especially my dad so perhaps next year is a good time to bring them out if they can pry themselves away from my baby niece. =)

Oh. I never did find my kiddo based on the direction I got. The place was just too big and I hunted from place to place, even seeking help from the local teachers. It was a mini adventure on my own met with disappointment but we needed to pick up and move on as each day of the holiday is always different.

Stories have to be set aside for now and if i get get around telling because , I am rather tired from all the running around and setting issues on this brand new school day. =)
Well, one thing for sure, this blog is back in business and I will be posting educational materials soon kekekeek.

Hope you all have a great holidays and are recharged.
Really happy to see you all again =)

Oh btw, prepare your tutorial. we are ready to start. Or at least I am so be ready. =P

PS: mmm...who is reading this blog? Apparently this blog has gone beyond my class. mmmm...


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