That's it

The day went on well until the 2nd lecture of the day.
Ridiculous things came as a package as I went from one issue to another.

Looking back there is so much to learn from it.

I have no idea why but I always find myself bursting into laughter in that lecture grp while I remained more firm in the other. Maybe it is because two of my classes are there and in such close promixity that I reverts immediately back to the corny and silly me that tends to manifest in classroom. Not exlcuding the fact that some in my classes make their attempts to bring a smile to my face (or poke at my laughing acupoint), espeicially the five warriors who are such posers *faint*.
My new year resolution: less laughter more work. That I already did in classroom and there is more of a balance. Laughter, the best medicine is also my bane because thoughts dispersed when my brain get hysterics overdrive and teaching becomes so haywired. And I get upset because of a lesson not as well delivered as I possible could. (And of course I do need to redeem for the above lecture, after such a fiasco)

I need to find that cool and collected me that existed before when I gave presentation instead of launching myself ever so readily into friendster mode. When I am focused, living in suspended, solipsistic time, words come in flow rather than in staccato and my pronunication can be clear and accented. I lost all that after working with my youth outside because that will never cut it with them but that is no excuse and I really enjoying working with them so it is of no issue. Thus there is a line I still need to cut mentally when I give lectures. I mean what will other classes think? That my classes suffer under an eccentric teacher? That will be the start of a series of unfortunate events. =)


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