Pls Stand Up.

Had civics today. Something that I don't think I do very often on the Wed's half period.
Why the urgency? i am glad that the school is looking into the attitude and discipline issues that appeared to be deteriorating . it is definitely something on my mind for quite a long time already although I havent channel much energy into it.
We asked ourselves: who is the R'sian, pls stand up.
In a global society where individuality is celebrated, how much leeway can we afford to give our students? Do they understand the proper decorum? do they possess basic courtesy and empathy? If we do not look into this, can they survive out there? because if they dun, they will lose the respect of people they work with and what kind of legacy are they going to leave behind?
Pride - such a strong word, but is something we can identify with. when you tell pple where you are from, you will be surprised with the respect they give you...but can you continue to earn it? Is it just good grades when there are tons of pple who are potentially just as capable? It is the attitude, the heart and the passion that is going to bring that best out of an individual. The school does offer an environment for exploration but did you just abuse it?
I must admit that because to me, it is the intangible that speaks so much, I often neglect the presentation of a student because I used to work with pple with all sort of appearances. But when i think about it, we cannot neglect how we present ourselves because there are expectations placed on us. We are part of a legacy.

A non-thru-train student once told me that he wasn't sure if he is capable enough to be consider a R'sian and that puzzled me for a while. Is that what being a R'sian is all about? A R'sian goes beyong his/her grades and if he has doubts about himself, he should discard because he has so much more to offer compared to many others who has been in the system.

R'sian. Pls stand up.


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