Questions on Cloning notes

Someone asked:
we have used lac and trp operon in synthesizing human growth factor/ insulin and anti-thrombin. Does it matter which operon is used?

Ans: Nope. Don't worry about it because the examples are given because that was just what people had worked with in making those protein. By now, I am sure things have moved on and they may be using other operons. =)

Can we use a RNA primer?
Does it matter if we have a RNA:DNA hybrid if we just want to check the sequence?

Ans:It doesnt really matter just that there is no reason to have such a hybrid. Why use RNA when DNA primers can also be readily synthesized?

Also, will we have end-replication problem if we use RNA primers?

Ans: No, because there will not be any DNA polymerase coming along behind the primer to remove it and fill the space with DNA. so The primers will flank the sequence/gene of interest.


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