we have our ups and & downs

It was draining and disorientation, returning from a course on Mon. Despite the great ideas that I took away, it does not guarantee a better today when I did tutorial and suddenly felt so unprepared. I thought I had everything sorted out only to realise that nothing is sorted out. It is the same as Friday remedial when I was stumbled at my own inadequacy and I have to start to think: what is happening to me? Am I not coping or am I trying too hard?

The thing with marking tutorial is that the weaknesses of your students get too glaring. When you decided to personalise the correction measures, it gets too demanding and frustrating because too many pple too many different styles. It eats me to know that I cant do it but perhaps, we are not meant to do that but do the best for the masses and hope that the rest catches along.

A colleague msg me out of the blue to talk about the disillusion that was felt as marking goes on and on. It is endless. But yet, does the kids appreciate it? Some complained that we are forcing them to copy and hand up work. But isn't tutorial suppose to be done anyway? Others lamented about the parts not marked.
It gets very irritating because we are not obligated to mark for that is not how JC works but we did anyway. Yet the kids put out their hands and demand because we have been taking care of them too well. We shouldnt even give answers.
We write the same comments, we poured over the words.
If a script takes 15 min, one hour will see 4 scripts done. assuming 28 in a class, it is 7 hours. that is one whole day. 2 classes - 2 days. and we mark tutorial and practicals. where has the time gone to?
we hope to prepare more things for them - summaries and discussions but the red pen is still leaking ink. Perhaps we are really trying too hard because how many really bother with what we do with their tutorial?
---- this is not a complaint as well as a review on whether we can be more efficient and value-add.


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