Wrapping The Year

The academic year has more or less closed.
The sadness & the joys were passing clouds that once marked our days.
There were many times when I wished I was better at talking to give reassurances or better advices. But I learned.
There were times when I wished a lecture or tutorial could be better conducted. But I learned - and I think this year's pro and eu is much better than the 1st series which I also lectured and prepared the notes for. More coherence and beauty.
There were times when I felt happy at a job well-done or friends made. I cherished those moments but they were gone too.

It has been an interesting year and I am thankful to my classes B & L for the learning journeys as well as my colleagues who supported me in many ways and once again tolerated my sonic laughter which threatened to bring the whole staff room down.

For the L's, I guessed I did not know I was in the company of two cows, paper, penguin, duckie, tape recorder, mirrors, sea cucumber, cat and seedless grapes to name a few. But whatever we are, we all can eat pizza haha. And I saw the posing power of the girls.

For B's, they were a great bunch too but next year I won't be having some of them in my classes anymore. For that Chang-Er who is flying away, all the best. For the those who needs the extra year, stay focused and keep working, and I hope that you had learnt something from me in this one year and found your footing in life. For the rest, dun drift away. There is still time but you need to focus and learn from mistakes. Haiz... din manage to take a pic with all on the last day.

FOr both classes: the most intriguing part of life and the lesson we really want to impart is not taking on the smoothest paths but to have the readiness to pick up after each fall and to learn from each experience.
And I recalled a comment made in class some time back about making ourselves stand out among the crowd and do something worthy....I went back and thought about it and realised what I really want to say is, I hoped you will challenge yourself to do and experience new things or things you think you want to try or do. Because experiences will allow you to discover yourself and maybe even a passion that you can identify with in life. I don't need my students to stand out but I want them to stand tall.

Ok.. it is back to H3 preparation.


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