REthink ReExamine

I went through a series of tests on Friday, staying awake and alert for 6 hours and that is no easy feat. In fact I should rest soon because my vision has been a bit blurred lately - an indication that my eyeballs are really weary enough. But rest will have to wait while I cleared the impending things on my checklist.

Anyway, I just want to say that - Give a smile and tell your tale because you WANT pple to understand and hear your side of the story. That is presentation. I think some of us see the TV newscaster with firm face and the stiffness that comes with the imagined freshly pressed jacket as the ideal model but presentation style can be driven by personality. I like to keep my hands free for gesturing because i find that by gesturing, I am less nervous and I don't have to keep a conscious effort to place my hands in a fixed position since I am usually quite excitable. There is no fixed way to tell a tale but all of us always love someone who is comfortable (think oprah) and hear that WANT in his voice.
I think I used to be super conscious with how I say things or my body language etc becos I hated to stand in front of everyone and make some noises. To a certain extent, I still do but it usually goes away when I WANT to make point or tell a tale.
Just like a sales person. you cannot sell if you dont know your product. When you know your product and want to share about it, talking about it is not the problem anymore.

Yet, sometimes we get complacent because we think everything is in the instruction manual of the product. But who is reading that thick manual? What the sales person say, he/she has to justify and be able to anticipate questions. The best sales persons is prepared for all possible questions and still convinced you.
To me, presentation and the thesis I handed up are two separate things. I always made a deliberate effort to make my slides coherent and be able to justify or comment on the points I have in my slides so that I can defend my thesis. I think a lot of pple forget that and got a little complacent. It may not be able whether you know it or not but whether you have prepared it or not.

Be that sales person who knows your own product which you have designed and toiled over. For those efforts, you want to tell a tale so be confident and speak with that passion. Dun wear that jacket if it does not suit you.

You have a story to tell so do tell.


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