Who & What R U?

It has been many years since my last MBTI test and there has been changes since then. I supposed it is just part of growing up but what's good this time is having facilitators to explain each component of the letter so now I know that I am a justified I even though my boss looked at me in disbelief. If I have elaborate on my hibernating mode, it would be detaching myself from this highly-connected world. They said that internet, handphones and air flight brought all of us closer together and because it is true, I used to switch off my handphone, stay off the internet and live life as it has once been for 2 wks to a month. Sometimes I gave in to temptation and check my emails and smses in case of any emergency...mmmm that was before I started teaching. Now opportunities are limited. So sometimes, all I am asking for is a chance to recharge.
It made me realise why I was so super grumpy during the retreat the other day because I was working super hard the days before, reviewing the scripts of my students so that I may hopefully pull any on the borderline up, clearing my lecture notes so that it can be printed on time while sitting through indecisive and frustrating meetings. Not forgetting that I was struggling to mark in the week before. SO all i wanted during the retreat, when things supposed to wind down, is a good rest and nothing else. So I think I struggled through the activities and when it was finally over, I bought myself a iced cafe mocha from Starbucks and sit on the steps of marina square alone to chill. mmm..before the test, it never did occur to me that I NEED such time and that it was a way some of us recharge.
I think the test also reminded me how people around me works and why certain things are the way they are and why certain issues take forever to be resolved. Sometimes, we have to let go of ourselves more readily.


I walked past a restaurant just now with it being one of the many along a stretch of road. It was dinner time and the only difference was that there was not a single customer in sight.
老板用手掩着脸面, 独自在萧索的餐厅里秉承犀利的沉静。伫立在门外的我彷佛听到他无声的呐喊。 说实在的,这餐厅当年还真蛮不错的。但不知从何时开始食物就每日况下,吃了一次你就没有理由再回返了。 是惋惜还是无奈促使我停下步伐呢?
当我回头再度经过时, 就有一位顾客坐了下来。。是可悲还是可喜呢?


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