Bio Bulletin 2

Point 1: In specimen paper 1.

MCQ answer for Qn 3 is C as kindly pointed out by slagoon. There is a mistake in the answer given. That question is a past TYS question.

Point 2: why transgenic salmon is breed with wild-type? Isn't there a concern with genetic pollution which might wipe out the wild-type. (good qn by O.J)

Yes, genetic pollution a concern but such mating is also controlled. The reason why they do so is because despite the greater size and the consequential sexual attractiveness for greater mating chance, the offsprings of transgenic fish do not survive well; the mortality rate is higher. Thus to have the best of both worlds, the mating betw the 2 grps was performed.


Non-bio related.
I have already received some data for references. Pls do not submit too late for me because there are several reasons:
1) I would like you to concentrate on your A's and not be distracted by all the applications
2) if you submit late to me after your A's, I might not be around to write it since I will also be out of town from 16 Nov onwards. Well there is still chance when I return on 2 Nov but I must get the forms on 2nd/3rd so that I can bring them along to Cambodia when I fly off to do volunteer work on the 3rd, and type it out and send on 18th when I return. Keep the dates in mind yah. Otherwise, we will have to negotiate ahahahh
3) to overcome 2, some of you have already submit the info but not the application - i am fine with that.


For any changes in CCA records (esp for Thomas):
Pls head down to PE dept who is in charge of printing the new forms.
For T, the amendment has been made by Ms Lee *chem.


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