Semi-Retirement + Syllabus

A random conversation with some students in the canteen revealed how little our students know what to expect for the A levels so here is the examination format:

And so you can see, MCQs is important and we have already completed 20% for SPA.


Today saw the commencement of the NUS Softball Open and I went down to toss a few balls. I felt better today because I can see the results of my workout for the past two weeks when balls actually comfortably sailed through the air with a smaller projectile although the speed still deemed improvement. At least the accuracy was there. I am not bragging but I was known for speed and accuracy in my time. Still that did not stop me from breaking the news to the team that I would be entering seclusion mode after this game as I decided to concentrate my efforts in preparing my kiddos for their prelims & ultimately A's.
Perhaps it was a sign when someone took a look at my glove and commented that I could display the battered, old thing already.

Get a life, Sir.

someone said after I have run through my weekly schedule with him.
It took me a while before I realised that I am actually living my life and it does not have to be translated into partying or walking down the streets of Orchard because when you are doing things you are passionate about and care about, you are living.


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