Days of a Teacher


- went to school.
- lecture test followed by lesson
- 2 period-lesson for 3L
- 1 hr break for lunch which never existed since there was a need to confirm details of an overseas student trip with the finanace office. Only coffee.
- 1230, yet another lecture test, sneak off to try and catch Ms Lim to talk about the students who will be going for yunnan CIP project; never did catch her
- 1320, back to staff room. fret over a pile of mock SPA marking due. lunch meeting with teachers on coming exams until 1730hrs.
- look for ms lim - mutual exchange of information and we decided on the last student to send for trip and she gave me more forms to work with.
- went home at 7pm.

got home. dinner.
- compile exam details until 1030
- start mock SPA marking
- mark mark mark until next day 2:30 am. weary. not sure if I can maintain the same standard of marking. decided to sleep. set alarm clock.


woke up at 545am to continue marking.
mark mark mark, 7am - all done.
prepare and went to school

after assembly, went for my first class, return mock spa + went through tutorial (2 lesson block). maintained adrenaline

after lesson, back to staff room at abt 1030. had brunch.
wanted sleep badly but decided to create a nervous review to prepare students for the topic which they are rather confused in and which we might not have time to cover at all before common test. Spent an hour in the creation.

bell rang. finished zapping the worksheet. went to class.
last part of tutorial + hand out review worksheet and went thru. adrenaline maintained. Nervous system. one of my faves.

1320 went back to staff room. form sent out to CIP students did not come in. asked for an extension for them since I know that the probability of return is low and they will have problem getting them out today. Liasing and communication ended 330pm. Went to look for a member of PE dept to discuss student overseas trip. nope. not there. back to staff room 4pm.

tired and decided that I would not be productive in marking the lecture test so slept with my head on the table in the staff room, after the attempt to return home for nap is foiled by rain.
woke up at 6pm to find more papers on my table to be worked on. so sound asleep that I did not hear anyone coming to me to pass me stuff. But it was power nap.
Went out on a ride with a colleagues to buy dinner back for some other colleagues and myself. 645pm diiner delivered. chomp down food in 15 mins - went for drama feste to support my students.
1000pm.drama feste ended. there was an external meeting that I am supposed to attend but I decided not to given the state that I am in and I still need to get some stuff settled by tonight. called to inform the committee.
went home. took a detour to buy coffee.
got home. settled in and worked til 1230am. decided to sleep.
and it was all the way til 11am the next day as the body took its renewal nap.

decided to just lay back and recuperate for sat.


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