Blue Slip

I had my first blue slip when I was in JC2, during an awkward day just before a national holiday. The pain was actually experienced a day before, during a softball game but was quickly ignored in the heat of game.

The pain at the abdominal was throbbing. Not excruiating but disturbing which is abnormal because most people will be in such pain that they could not walk for the same diagnosis. I decided years later that my noiceptors have high tolerance. While everything seemed fine, I called up my mum and took a blue slip just in case it was a recurring intestinal inflammation. Cut the long story short, within hours of diagnosis where second opinion was sought, I was admitted into the hospital the very day for an appendicitics operation. After the operations, my doctor declared that my appendix was already close to bursting and I could have died if I have delayed any longer.

I missed my season that year but ultimately, health is irreplacable.

Why is this input here?
Because I want to remind you to take care of yourself. Only we ourselves know our body and health best - when to take blue slip and rest and when we can persist until the end of the day with a running nose. The season has come when epidemic might descend. Be responsible for yourself but dun abuse the system.


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