
It is the holidays thus I did not expect readers to pop in. But then, it is THEIR holidays :P and mine haven't really started.
Work still persists in its tenacity with invilgilation, preparing lectures/notes/powerpoint for next year (one set down and another to go) and even getting the post-promo revision going. I must admit I am still trying to craft the answers which have been sitting in a pile beside my comp for a while. Apologies for not being able to give immediate feedback. I still have pple not handling in yet but I will have a wonderful surprise for them next year so I am not going to let such irresponsible behaviour affects me until I get the answers out especially since I have so many scripts to scrutinize.
*cough* for dramatic effect - I awaits my holiday patiently as I get all these work out of my tray. =)


I have been doing some interesting reading. So here are something to think about:

1) An insurance salesman knock on the door of a home in a housing development. When a lady answers he asks," How many children do you have?" She replies, "Three." When he asks, "What are their ages?" she decides tht he is too cheeky (like anonymous) and refuses to tell him. After he apologizes for his apparent rudeness he asks for a hint about the children's ages. She says, "If you multiply their three ages you get 36." (their ages are exact numbers). He thinks for a while and asks for another hint, When she says, " The sum of their ages is the number on the house next door," he immediately jumps over the fence to determine this number. This done, he returns to the lady and ask for one last hint," All right," she says, " the eldest plays the piano!" He then knows their ages. Do U?

2) When Professor Leopold Ruzicka determined the molecular structure of muscone and civetone, he saved the life of many African civet cats n Asian musk deer that are mistreated and killed respectively in order to obtain their prized perfumed scents. Apparently, women find the smell of diluted musk pleasant and their sensitivity to it varies with their menstrual cycles, peaking at the time of ovulation. Note: Male sweat contains some compounds with a musky fragance.
Nonetheless, musk's value lies in its ability to act as a fixative in perfumes to maintain its fragrance. (Civet cat secrete similar compounds)

Two things came to mind. 1) You can find musk spray at Bodyshop. 2) Does people with body odour have more musky compounds? =)


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