The Post Promo Hot Deals

I have done a quick analysis of the Post-Promo Revision Exercise.
Those questions in red are meant for submission (an essay n a structured) for some. Questions in blue are interesing/challenging questions and I have added some comments for each topic.
Pls note that I only need the summary for the topic on 'photosynthesis' - there is no need to do any structured or essay for that. Nonetheless, I have highlighted questions you might want to take note so that you can give a better feel of the topics on 'photosynthesis' & 'respiration'.

A recap:
For summary: try out the learning outcomes; use them as heading
Outline the functions of the membrane systems and organelles listed in (a)

mitochondria - .....
RER - .....

If you need extra time - pls inform me.
If you are going overseas for exchange/ CIP - pls inform me so that we can work something out.

At some point in time next year in 1st semester, I will go over the MCQs for 2000-2005. So since you are already revising, you might want to work on the McQs first.

Some of you might prefer to write out your summary instead of typing them out. Should that case arise - pls ensure your summary is legible and scan them before sending to me. Best if you can convert the images into a pdf file.

PS: I know that it is the hols and this blog will not be visited often. Pls kindly pass the msg to your classmates via class email to keep them updated especially since some have not emailed me back to acknowledge their recipient of the revision work even though I know they have it, thus i cannot inform them individually.


Anonymous said...

what about those questions in pink?? (:

CJWD said...

oh sorry. I did not notice that I had used different colors. my red and pink means the same :)

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