Blind as a Bat

"Ok! Time's up! No more writing!"
In times like these, there are always a few who scribble their last words in that trailing 3-5 seconds. And in times like these, teachers will often turn a blind eye for a while.
BUT to continue beyond a certain time point, it totally messed up my integrity. To do it blatantly? It totally messed up my tolerance.
We are not talking about one adhering to the given command or any remote flexibility one should have in dealing with students in times of difficulties but of fairness to the rest of the population.
Caught one a few days ago in direct frontal view when collecting scripts. Please don't give me that black face and be indignant when what you are doing is so wrong. It totally crossed the line. As my mind deliberates between several options, I eventually gave a warning. Full-stop.

I am not trying to ruin a life here but your reactions speak volumes about you.
Anyway that two lines? Usually pointless for an essay. Although I may be wrong.


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