New Year 2011

Dex had declared the demise of this blog and perhaps he is not that wrong because sometimes it is just so convenient to drop a random note in fb in the midst of all the work. Yes, there is homework and examinations. :P
Despite the mega photo-uploads, work came in at a regular pace with multiple readings and for an exam, sometimes we have to read two books so that we can comment on them.
This week is the first week of school and I am already kind of stressed and tired despite still behaving like the energetic me, in trying to complete journal readings for reviews/summaries that might aid in my master's thesis. Testimony to that will be me writing this blog now upon waking up at 6am (slept at 1215am), even after submitting the work last night. Maybe my adrenaline and some other stress hormones were just running a tad too wildly for a while to calm down. I am doing basic shopping therapy later (grocery and necessities).

In the midst of all these, moments of reliefs were found in making chocolate rolls for my friends to welcome Day 1 of school, K's surprise party at 11pm when he returned from Turkey and also a sauna/dinner with him the next day while he tries to get his kitchen up and running again. K is like my brother in this little city of Oulu and I did miss his presence over the holidays.
The most wonderful thing I have experienced thus far is the warmth of the relationships I had established with people here. Edglo bears special meaning with a bunch of people who shares, supports, loves and cares for one another. Then there is my Sunday dinner gang who is like another family to me - K.A.T. and the fun we have every now and then when we gathered. i am already feeling the pang of loss for missing next sun's dinner but it is also important to meet A in Copenhagen. How often do you get to meet a friend who flew from US and being so close to you in a foreign neigbouring country? A was my constant in University and we had shared much over Spinelli and Science canteen food. Someone said that with current air travel, meeting someone is not difficult but it is. There are friends whom I missed and yet to see after 7 years. When work bogged you down, how does one even find sufficient time to travel? And because of this, even though I am enjoying my time here with new-found friends, every happy moment was mixed with a profound sense of sadness but also an unfounded sadness located somewhere in the future. This bittersweet feeling is rich maybe because of the experience in US even though I know this is different. I shall just enjoy the bittersweetness of it for it is actually like being in school when I know that every kid which passes me by will move on and to a better future ahead. There should be joy and happiness in having to share a special journey together. The future is unknown and perhaps we will meet again in the most amazing place or circumstances.

And now I am getting a little sleepy. Sighz.
As I settled down in this little city, it is perhaps also time to find things to fill my time instead of logging on to fb too often :P.
given my frequency of blogging, here is wishing everyone a Happy Chinese New Year ahead. :) Dong Dong Chiang!


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