2 months

From 2 wks in Oulu to 2 months here and how things had changed.
It is snowing relatively heavy now because visibility has dropped a bit and the google forecast informed minus zero temperature for the entire week.
The daytime is shorter as well, from the sun setting at 9pm when I first came to now at around 4-5pm. The only good thing the early nightfall was that I can do more work since I concentrates better "at night". My room is also done up now with posters and lamps from ikea. Oh yea! I went to Helsinki and Stockholm last week when it was my autumn break. Ooooo....IKEA stuff from Sweden, totally authentic. I got H&M stuff there too which I realised was Sweden-export :). I would have gotten absolut vodka too except that I don't drink that stuff. mm not much anyway. :P I will prefer my sweet cider.

Thus far, I already had 2 examinations and a paper submission. The last exam was on Friday actually so I was really chiong-ing to read the assigned two books before the exams since I could not manage it during the break. But I think I will pass the exams. hopefully, if not I will have to take it another time which I sincerely hope not to. :P
Life as a student is really different but I think that is also because of a more mature outlook of life. Last night I invited frens over for dinner and to lounge in my sofa. That was just so nice and comfortable instead of the partying (which I had not been to one yet actually). On one hand I wished we could talk longer but on the other, work awaited as I seriously need to do some catching up after my trip - yes, i am definitely procrastinating with a blog entry now :P

I heard OP is around the corner - so good luck to all!! I will probably not do so well for OP here because they claimed that my singaporean accent is very strong. Accent? I was confused until I heard two Singaporeans in Stockholm ahhah. So ok, sometimes I tried to accommodate with clear pronunciation instead of letting my words tumble over my singaporean way. last night I was going to show my frens my travel trips videos when I stumbled upon the clip I made for 3L. The memories of a great time and I could not help it but watch it again before I head for bed. Then Deng also started to post 'My Dear Class' - I must say his camera is really pro hahha. 3G is really camwhorish but I really enjoyed the photos and others have such funny stuff like GL's hysterial rabbit talk and G's updates on hilarious stuff in class and his comic strips (I am not stalking!! serious!!)
As I wrote all these, I started to wonder, who read this blog now as it slowly sinks into oblivion like the titanic. But I will hold on to it a little longer as the name chansensei gets immortalize even in this little city oso I am holding on to this link.

Hugs to all, from the little oulu city. :)


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