Amendments and Otherwise


Water Potential Notes
As pointed by D, on page 3, (c) pressure potential for plants only -
bullet number 3 - when a plant cell is in a solution with a higher (less negative) water potential, there is a net movement of water into the cell.

Does nucleotide has one or three phosphate(s)?
It can be one, two or three, which also means that the term is non-specific.

To be specific, the raw material for DNA replication or transcription are deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates and ribonucleoside triphosphates.
Otherwise, we used the term free XXnucleotides very loosely.

You should know that nucleotide = nucleoside (pentose sugar + nitrogenous base) + phosphate grps

Why are the dividing cells in tutorial so dark? Shouldn't there be only a dark spot known as nucleolus for cells in interphase?

Actually the diagram given wasn't so good. For cells in interphase, yes, you should be able to see the nucleolus quite well!:)

Cells in prophase are quite easily identified. I usually look for those in late prophase when you should be able to see individual chromosomes very well.
At interphase, you will not be able to see individual chromosomes.
One should note that mitosis is a continuous process so there are always intermediates stages.

PS: The chromosomes are usually stained so that one can see the them easily for the mitotic process.
(for practice?)


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