dun be disappointed ok?

The night before the results were out, my CT rep asked me not to give her the disappointed look when I passed her the results.
I was surprised at her comments because there was the exact thing I cannot do because I remembered the look on my form teacher's face when she handed me my O levels results. It wasn't that I did very badly, although I was naturally disappointed at not being able to replicate or emulate my results for the prelims, but somewhat I felt rejected and from that moment, for a young boy, things fell apart.

The recovery was slow but meaningful.

Many years down the road as I sat on the other side of the table, I asked who am I to judge each set of results? So it was with no expectation when I gave them out because at the end of the day, all of us need to deal with our own disappointments and that is more than enough for one to handle. I can offer them a shoulder or a word of wisdom but I will never be disappointed in them because I know they have given your best shot and there are things beyond any of our control. So as long as it takes them to the next level, I will be happy for them and will be proud of them because knowing all my kids, I know they have much to offer to this world, to the people around them and to blossom in their own capacity in time.

Adios, classes of 2009. Continue to move on with dreams because the best has yet to come. N Thank you for everything.


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