Everything New

This is the 2nd time I fell sick this term and for the same thing - sore throat and its accompanying ailments.
One more time and I shall conclude that the condition is reproducible with my niece and nephew as the causes.
But was on MC yesterday but went to school still to conduct the practical because I meant it to be a follow-up from the lesson the day before and I promised the kids I would close it with all the questions I left hanging.
I was glad that lesson was in the morning because by noon, my head felt like it was stuffed with cotton wool and I validated my mc and went home to sleep off the daze (after informing the h3 class that I cmi and would have to push the lesson to next wk).
A lot of sleep and water did the trick and I felt immensely better today altho the head is still in a drugged state.

Went for lesson just now and today we got a new teacher and she spoke so fast that I could not string my thoughts together. Blamed it on the mist-filled mind but I knew better that for a strong visual but weak audio learner, it will never be easy. I saw words dance erratically in the air and images collide as she went into high gear and verbosity reigned. Does anyone else experience the same thing? I will have to work harder to rewire my neurons so that I can be a more adequate audio learner. sighz..my classmates are so much better at it.

Feb is almost over and I felt a sense of loss with my class(es). I barely knew them and I floundered with my decisions. Perhaps I was a little impatient with them because it was a great year last year, with everything so familiar and comfortable that I forgot the initial tentativeness and worry. Or maybe my expectations have grown which I should never have because every class will never be the same. still, I missed the happiness of every morning and my very own laughter. Perhaps it is the one-intake syndrome and it will pass and I will find my CG again, especially with so many changes occurring in school.

With the amended testimonial on my desk it is one more time and a final signature to seal the memories.


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