Counting Down

Also thought of sharing some of the bits in Cambridge with you... =) - and now I can finally do it since I have finished my official homework brought from Singapore =( =P. It is amazing how time flies. after getting over the jetlag and clearing some work here and there, I am already heading home....

Some highlights thus far:

Punting Down The River Cam. It was really some exercise :P

Up the London Eye which we have replicated with our own Flyer

The Big Ben & Parliament (While on Cruise)

Although it looked absolutely non-descript unlike all the other bridges, this is the one and only "London Bridge" falling down....

One day, I went to attend an Econ Lecture but couldnt take it so I took the time to write lovenotes in a courtyard =)

I took the Biotech kids down to Eagles Pub where Watson & Crick came up with the structure of the DNA molecule. And there is no question about cam-whoring

This is today's. I went with the literature grp to The GLobe which is a replicate of an open-air theatre built during Shakespearan time for plays. The construction of the Globe was actually initiated by an American in 1949. I watched a 3-hr King Lear play standing up, braving the sudden showers and totally enjoying it even though I couldn't catch everything. The acting was just superb!

Walking on the Millenium Bridge towards St Paul's. I like the bridge a lot. Modern and it felt 'open' , getting it a relaxed feel...

Mmmm... I am glad to have worked hard last week so that I may ease down this week for a more relaxed pace =)


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