Yesterday there was an article on Gen Y which left me thinking, which generation am I in? Found in the dead center of a crossroad of changes, my conclusion is a hybrid of X & Y.
The generation Y saw the rapid technological changes that manifested themselves in handphones, broadband computers, blogging and facebook to name a few. There is also a greater sense of individuality that prompted one to make reference to more self-confidence and possibility creativity which sometimes is really an illusion because sometimes there is a lack of maturity to handle those qualities and perhaps that is why we are seeing many more cases of youths falling into their own insecurities and turning to petty defiances. There are more venues of connections between people with facebook, friendster, myspace and maybe other virtual worlds that I am really ignorant about. For some, the gulf of human interactions did not close up because of these avenues but instead widen because relationship becomes superficial with 1000 names in your messenger but only 10 you can really turn to when you are in need - yet with 1000 names, do you make reach out to the 10 to let them know they matters? For others (like me) such avenue is a blessing as I seek out long-lost friends that dated back to primary school, overseas encounters which made a difference in my life and even just my current friends whom I cherished but went away.
If I may say, Gen Y is an exciting time when the tides may swing for each individual. It proposes a sense of purpose to create, to explore and to make a difference.

On a comparative note, Gen X is more subtle, resilient and empathetic. There wasn't so much encouraging notions and demands from the adults to the youths. We worked hard, failed with much heartbreak and moved on again. Through the failures, we gained a little bit of wisdom that we took with us through life. Without the virtual worlds, we chitchat around a real coffee table with our friends to learn not about the world issues that seemed so foreign and far away but more about things closest to us like relationships, difficulties in life and simply about life itself. There were many reflective moments that let us make connections not only with people but with life in general. These days empathy is often lacking because there are so many distractions and the fast pace at which things run, we often fail to sit down and ponder a little more about ourselves and issues around us, and that we all have social responsibility. I confess that these days I myself is losing my touch and I get a little upset about it once in a while and perform my own little rebellion against the senseless charging of life. But really, it doesn't take much to pause. Yesterday I went Toa Payoh library and I saw Ice-cream Uncle. I am not sure how many of us is a frequent patron of TP but uncle has been there for years. Years before other ice-cream men came to claim a piece of the earnings in a 10 metre radius. Uncle may not have a fancy vehicle with colorful display of various ice-cream or even look clean by other standards, but I will always buy from uncle, sometimes even when I am not sure if I want an ice-cream. I did not think uncle remember me to offer me a big cone but I will buy from him because he is getting old and I think he does not get as much business as the newcomers so if I can reach out, why not?
But I think gen x pple are a bit slow in learning not because we are less able but because we are so much more cautious with the moves we choose to take.

gen x or y?
I learnt how to type when I was 20 while in NS. I got my first hp after my first Uni exams, I am unclear about the notion of LAN but started on my first proper blog because of my students 2 years ago. I suppose I am catching up to a certain extent and learning but the cautious me will take a step back each time to remind me not to get overwhelmed and to get back to basics.

caught at a crossroad, life is not necessarily bad. I want to teach my kids the good and bad things of both generations. There are values that we should not forget lest the fabrics of the world collapse. Already I am seeing it.
I want to remind them that they are entering into the world of gen x when they come out of their studies...only to remind myself that I too will become obselete in 20 years' time.


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