Happier Things

Camp ended today. Sometimes i wondered if I have gotten stricter this year or are the kids just so different? Alas, let me think of the happier things this year.

R-C-LF ended with a bomb. In the midst of managing all the logistics and endless nights at NACLI where I stayed (on alternate nights) with the international delegates, I had fun working with the 8 Liaison Officers who sticked it out with me through the 7 days in handling the well-being of the international delegates. And then there is my special teams of log, farewell dinner and SIGs whom I had worked closely with especially in the last few months leading up to the event. And not forgetting the group of teachers who braved everything to make the event possible. It had been a pleasure to work with everyone who took care of me and joined me in my silliness and out-of-the-blue jokes. And of cos,m I hoped it was the same for them too because I can be such a pain when I have too many things at hand and need to settle them fast.

A's. In an exam like this, there will be pple who are disappointed and others beaming with joy. There is 100% pass for my classes and I felt relieved - because I got really worried for a handful when the news of 2 failure came through.
As I sneaked out of the ops room to the canteen, braving the waves of students, words of thanks were passed around from my students as well as students from other classes whom i have sticked out with at the last stretch, clocking up countless consultation hours. For me, there was a whole sense of relief not because of the numbers of A's and B's that were chalked up but the simple knowledge that some of these kids whom I had stayed in school with, sitting down late into the nights explaining and reminding, and all the awkward moments of consultation....these efforts of theirs were not wasted and they had reaped fruits from all those to be able to move on comfortably into the next phase of their life. A few times I was just so overwhelmed (and still is when I recalled those instances)and had to blinked off those fluid that came out in a gush... and I think some kids just say the darnest things.

But somewhere out there, I know that some of you may not have done as well as you expected. Some B's, some C's and D's. Know that the only person you need to convince that you have done your best in that moment in the hall is yourself. Your teacher is not disappointed because I believed you had given your best shot then.

With all said and done, besides the grades, I hope that throughout those times in the classrooms and beyond what I had imparted is not just biology-related knowledge but more.

It is back to Chiang Mai immediately after Rc-L-F and we took back water samples before and after filtration (over 3 days) for testing. And even without chemical analysis, we knew that we have made a difference in the villagers' lives. (see comparison of water below)


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