Start of yr

This year has promised to be exciting and tiring with 2 mega-events in my tray for term 1 and 2. Already Week 3 of Term 1 and there was so many meetings that I barely could keep track of my time in school. I nearly missed one meeting today if not for my student who called me to sign blue slip when I realized the time. Some see this plate of work on my table as opportunities and a chance to challenge my abilities but are those my priorities in life?
It was just yesterday when someone came over and said, hey we are thinking of relieving you of your teaching duties for a while so that you can concentrate on this event that is coming up....and I must admit that I was taken aback because it has never crossed my mind. I got a little scared, I worried that I cannot sit down and chat with my kiddos over a cup of coffee, I cannot sit at my desk thinking of my lesson plans and I worried that I cannot be in the best state for my kiddos. This world is moving too fast for me.

A CT this time and I am not sure what my report card will be at the end of the year. I probably get kicked out. It was funny how I tried to be the solemn, serious and mature teacher who appeared to be to be able to give good guidance on Day 1. Then I got fed up and decide to go back to the neurotic me, with my fumbling and hahaha. =P It felt good when you are able to enter a class with the happiness in your chest and not try to be extra cool.
The other day I met a student and we talked about career/study options beyond JC. And she asked if I have found my match in terms of occupation? This is a toughie because as years go by, our expectations might change and I do not know if this is the right job or best one for me. At this point in life, I am grateful that I can be happy everyday at some point(s), even when I am tired.

Went out with a colleague for dinner the other night and we missed our kiddos of 2007.


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