Return of Scripts

Today there was a showdown upon the return of the scripts.
Scutinizing their papers, students furiously punched their marks into their calculators to derive their final results. Some were pale on the lips before they sank into relief, others were tearing their hairs at the one or half mark.
It was also a time when you noticed those crestfallen faces or even resignation, a time when you could hear that audible sigh.

There are probably many whom I would like to get a pat to for good work (or as some claimed: the most improved award) but at the same time, there are others whom I would like to console or offer a listening ear to. I may laugh along but deep down, I am concerned especially when expectations are not met with those potential or at least students reaping what they deserve. Pardon me if I could not do any of these in time or too engrossed with swarms of students that hogged me.

Taking a step at a time, do not give up because every new exam is a fresh piece of hope. We all need some belief and confidence in ourselves otherwise we will not be able to overcome that mental barrier and because I believe you can do it.


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