Off to Chiangmai

Before the year ends, it is to the airport again - soon that is - to Chiangmai , making this the 6th trip to the same place for work in 3 years.
This time however I will be there mainly for the softball trip even though I will be taking two days off to recce for a suitable CIP expedition. I am looking forward to meeting Chala again (my translator) and also hopefully the drivers, johnny and yut who were with us the last few rounds. I kind of missed them even though we couldnt converse much in English.
This trip I will be bringing this huge box of books for Chala's orphans (which was collected by JH and I packed them today) and I am preparing for my Santa Claus' role of buying a computer for them, buying mattresses for them so that they don;t have to sleep on cold floor, buying food for the new year and some additional cash to tide them for a year hopefully. The money for this venture was kindly contributed by myself and 2 students+teacher from the last Chiang Mai trip. It will be a good way to start a new year after all.


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