Running Thoughts Running Away

School holidays and I am sure it is as hectic for me as it is for the students although I am sure all of us are grateful for that extra sleep-in periods - at least I am although sleep does not come as easily because it always takes a while to adjust and I am quite tensed up with work - all the backlog due to lectures (H1,H2 and H3 all in 3 weeks)..yet before you know it, hols is over :P

So I did the Nervous System this year..... I remembered the frustration my last batch of kids felt when faced with this topic so I decided to volunteer myself for this topic this year and really try to work it out, simplifying yet retaining the beauty of it. It has always been one of my fav topics and it was a challenge. But I hope that I have done this topic justice and that I had delivered the punchlines during lectures. Part of me also felt a bit stressed because I heard one of us was pretty good and funny at delivering this lecture series but I looked at myself and decided that I am just not that funny. I guessed as a matter of personal preference I like power-packed information bytes. mm... At least my boss thought the last lecture was decent =P and hopefully the students too.
Just cleared the tutorials. Whoosh.


Some of the Bs have shown improvements and an attitude to back them up. I am actually quite glad for them.
Let's hope that we can go from strength to strength and make it all worthwhile.


There is something wrong with me.
I am having problems with my eyes-hand-thought coordination - tying wrong stuff or unable to type coherently - so i have to do a double check.
There are also issues with my speech recently. Seemed like I am starting to have trouble verbalising my thoughts as well as i used to. Not that it was that great in the first place but now it is a bit awkward. Maybe it is all those kiddy talk I uses with my niece.
Or maybe i am suffering from some slow-acting disease...


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