Buzz Around

So I tried working around this new template I found for the blog, throwing in some elements here and there to make it look a little cooler and also not forgetting the tagboard which I have been incessantly reminded to put up, be it this batch or last batch. On recommendation, I have changed the tagboard provider so hopefully this will serve me well by not expiring because of inactivity. =)

There are many reasons why this blog suffers periods of constipation - due to the piles of work, lack of questions and inspiration. Hopefuly we get more questions this term to share!

Here are some:
1) CT MCQ question 5: which got me really stumped for the longest time in class - I apologised; when you are rushing the marking day and night, your brain do get a little bit more than fried. I think my eyes nearly popped out last night as I struggled to clear that last pile.
Anyway it took me a while to realise why I have never considered this question a problem until I tried too hard to break sentence up:
if you read statement C as it is meant to be, it is trying to tell you that melting point of FA increase with (increasing) chain length and decreases with (increasing) degree of unsaturation. The (increasing) component is implicit in the sentence structure - a linguistic issue. Just like: the food will go bad with time...

2) what is myoglobin?

Myoglobin is a single-chain globular protein of 153 amino acids, containing a heme (iron-containing porphyrin) prosthetic group in the center around which the remaining apoprotein folds. It is the primary oxygen-carrying pigment of muscle tissues.


I remembered talking to some of you about red meat versus white meat. And yup. myoglobin contributes to why some animals are considered red meat and others white meat and also why some of us are the ideal machine to run 2.4km under 10 min while some of us struggle to do so but score in sprint =).


A comment made by students during the week: Sir, you have friends all over the world...I pondered for a while and realised that it matters not if you have friends or not all over the world but to be remembered or remembered because you or that someone made an impact in each other's life. that is really what makes the memories so wonderful. maybe if there is chance, I will share why some of these pple are important to me.


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