Parting Words

Dear all,

I am assuming that barely anyone turns up at this page anymore but then again who knows. P2 is over and I think the questions are alright. No.. I won't start discussing about the questions but if you are really want to can find me in school on Fri.
This post came a little bit late because your teacher is suffering from work fatigue after the day-long consultations before the paper (I have chalked the most number of consultation sessions and hours - 'aint complaining 'cos I promised you that I will be here to take you on for the last stretch; )and I was juggling a few things with the CIP trip on Sat as the most pressing one. So it was quite a tight period for me as well because of the preparatory work. To make thing worse, I injured my toe the other day and there was blood within the big toenail. It wasn't so bad until I went for volunteer work and had to play ultimate frisbee which aggravate the injury. Because I cannot remove my nail and make myself vulnerable to fungal infection at this point in time with so many trips back to back, I took a penknife with fresh blade, sterilise the blade and make an incision at the juction between the nail and flesh to remove the excess fluid so now it is better already. =)
Anyway, that's not the point. =)

I am leaving on Sat, so here is wishing you all good luck in the bio papers ahead!
You all already got my first parting gift so here is another: you may access past TYS answers with explanations here. Nope. No questions, just answers. For questions, pls refer to your TYS books.

Take good care and til we meet again next year. If we do. =)


kmli said...

hello mr chan. have a safe trip. will you be in singapore in december? some of the lovelies might be planning a night bike trip. do you want to be a guardian? HAHA.

Anonymous said...

thats not true, i am still here at yr blog. =) still having trouble finding the elusive bio blog after two years

slagoon said...

lol.. here i m.. booked out from army :P been out for 6 days after 2 week confinement.. u make it sound as though very difficult to find u in sch like that.. LOL

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